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Home / Products / PHARMA-ELITE


  • PHARMA-ELITE is a feature-rich, easy and reliable solution, designed to fit different business sizes and day-to-day needs of traders at different levels in the supply chain.
  • PHARMA-ELITE is a feature-rich, easy and reliable solution, designed to fit different business sizes and day-to-day needs of traders at different levels in the supply chain.
  • Cost-effective- Improved Cash Flows, Operational Cost Savings
  • Power to efficiently scale up your business volume
  • Prevent Stock Out (Loss on Sale), Prevent Excess Stock (Loss on Interest), Prevent Pilferage .
  • All in One Productivity System.
  • Easy to Learn and Simple to Use Solution - No extensive computer training required. Designed for operators and experts alike.
  • Owner's peace of mind (even when you are away from shop)
  • Brings total control on the Business .
  • Utilize manpower more effectively .
  • Security of business data
  • Friendly adviser on Sales/Purchase decisions
  • Automatic update of data
  • Can maintain multiple stores with stock shifting or transfer to another store

  • Pre-populated Masters - Products, Traders, Price Information
  • Sales - Counter Sales, Cash/Credit/Cash Credit, Hospital Sales, Outstation sales
  • Purchase - Order right products, right quantity - and track the status of your POs
  • Print - Print on plain, Pre printed stationery
  • Accounting - Generate your accounting statements on a real time basis
  • Inventory (Stock) Management - Get an up-to-date status on stocks for Sale, In Go-down, Keep right stocks, rotate stocks, expiry management M.I.S. - Get the right mix of Medicine and General Items
  • Powerful data and user administration - Bar-code Hospital Module

Sales Module

  • Using Sales module various sales transactions can be recorded, sales bills can be generated manually or automatically, party-wise sales statement can be generated.
  • Delivery Note - Pool items from all Sales Invoices per product Quotation for Institutional Sales Counter sales, Credit sales - Multiple transaction at a time
  • Quick, Accurate and Crisp / Detailed Bills
  • Maintain Billing Norms, Right taxes discounts, item Code, Batch number, Buyer details etc.
  • Online Updating of Stocks
  • Classify stocks based on Batch stocks
  • Choose from range of Similar Product
  • Choice between Multiple MRP
  • FIFO - Or as specified.
  • Store current Location of the products
  • Periodic Statements
  • Avoid sale of expired products
  • Online short-list updating
  • Online Cash Box status - Right change tendered, Tally Cash status at any time
  • One way Traffic and Two way Traffic
  • Define Schemes and access this info during Sales
  • Generate Multiple copies of Bills
  • Editing facility
  • Surcharge/discount facility
  • Transact with Bar-code - least errors during Sale
  • Bill monitoring
  • Buy strips - sell loose
  • Total security of transactions
  • Customized bill printing

Purchase Transactions

  • You can use purchase request or purchase order for refilling stocks.
  • Purchase details - Product, Batch, New Product
  • Automatic purchase short-lists - Supplier-wise
  • Choice of suppliers for each product and transaction
  • Information on Right price, Bonus Schemes, Discounts
  • Online status of Party's credit
  • Powerful Reports
  • Purchase Order for Distributor
  • Determine Sell Rate and profit Percentage during Goods In
  • Determine open Qty. at time of ordering
  • Warn on unlicensed product
  • Online information on last purchase rate
  • Automatic info on schemes availability - powerful reports
  • Info on unadjusted credit notes
  • Expiry check on purchase
  • Orders automatically generated based on minimum stock levels
  • Modify Purchase Requests, Monitor Status
  • Multiple Batches/Expiry dates/Prices
  • Generate Purchase Invoice (automatically)


  • Stock module provides the flexibility to categorize, move, add or reduce stocks to cater to the business requirements.
  • Opening Stocks, Stock Adjustments
  • Breakage / Expiry / Non moving goods
  • Automatic generation of Purchase shortlist
  • Multiple batch, MRP
  • Stock Adjustments
  • Go -down facility
  • Lock Stock
  • Classify stock locations - Bin/Drawer method - identify stock in Godown Advance Warning of Expiry Products
  • Classify stocks - rotate stocks more efficiently
  • Near Expiry status - Product, Company, Shelf Moving products never out of stock
  • Non Moving products - Identify, Classify and Eliminate
  • Stock Adjustments - Stock In, Stock Out, Transfer Stock from Godown to Sales, Expiry etc.
  • Current stocks - Quantity, Value, Batch, Shelf, Category
  • M.I.S.
  • List of Inventory related Reports (there are more) Product Ledger: Batch wise & Product wise
  • Summary of sales & Purchase transactions
  • Daily status of inward goods
  • Monthly stock & sale report


  • The system of accounts in PHARMA-ELITE is based on Double Entry Accounting Principle. All business transactions are recorded as having dual effect/aspects.
  • Books of Accounts are maintained as per regulations (I.T., Sales Tax). For e.g. Cash & Bank Book, Adjust Debit, Debit/Credit Notes, Creditor's/Debtors Ledger, Sales /Purchase Registers, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet.
  • Wide range of Accounting Reports:
  • Daily cash reports
  • Daily cash closing
  • Daily profit %age
  • Summary cash flow


  • You can generate a variety of reports that provide information on your sales and purchase transactions, stocks, and accounts.
  • Over 100 of Sale, Purchase, Stock, Account, Master Reports
  • Fine tune the report output with date and other specified filter criteria
  • Reliable inputs to take Business Decisions
  • Customized formats for Retailer, Distributor and C&F.
  • Preview, Print and get Help using Report Manager
  • Superior Final accounts in formats of your choice.
  • Easy to configure, Search for particular text, Drill-down to last voucher
  • Reports are secured and access controlled based on log on users


  • Various utilities are provided which will help user in managing the data.
  • Various utilities are provided which will help user in managing the data.
  • Backup Restore (Reminder for backups)
  • Free Evaluation
  • User Guide and Online Help
  • Support and Regular upgrades of portal data and software
  • Easy to install and maintain, easy to upgrade
  • Manage users and privileges
  • Complete set of features to meet all your transaction requirements
  • Up-to-date Information
  • Facilities to customize the data and programs

Contact Us

C-201,Jawahar Park, Devli Road,
Khanpur, New-Delhi-110062



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