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    Prescription Pad - Complete Clinic Management Software

  • Contains complete prescribing information of more than 70,000 brands of Indian Pharmaceuticals which are compiled in such a way that you can see & understand it in a minute.

  • Contains full monograph of nearly 3,000 drugs (generic drugs). These drug’s indications, contraindications,precautions, side effects,dosage & mode of action are also described separately in point wise manner that it takes just a minute to see any detail about the drug. The data has been compiled from PDR of U.S.A., Martindale book of pharmacology, British National Formulary & from companies drugs monographs.

  • Software database contains complete diagnostic information, differential diagnosis & treatment protocols of more than thousands diseases & details of 600 investigations other than drugs database. The data has been compiled from Harrison’s principles of internal medicine & we are adding more & more information every day.

  • Automatic downloading of related investigations once you write diagnosis of the patient in the software so that you need not to waste time in thinking about it. Any investigation in this list can be deselected or added later on before giving out the prescription to the patient.

  • A first-rate, foolproof prescription writing facility which checks for drug allergy, drug interactions and duplications automatically giving you full details of the type of interaction by pop up massages if there is any, while you are writing prescription through the software ie. Entering brands through it. It ensures safe medmargin-leftication to the patient by checking for the safety profile of brands regarding pregnancy, lactation, children, elderly, hepatic insufficiency, renal insufficiency, pulmonary insufficiency & warns you in case it is unsafe in a particular situation.

  • Ability to check for drug safety at individual disease level like in case of G6PD,PORPHYRIA, HYPERTENSION etc.

  • The software gives you important tips about treatment of the diseases while you are entering diagnosis in the patient records so that you do not miss important points.

  • Ability to search the ideal drug for a patient through multiple options like drug name (GENERIC NAME ), manufacturer name, indications or group name in prescription pad window; or through brand’s dosage form, group & indications options in Brand Details and drug Details windows. In a situation when you know the disease the pt. is suffering from but you can’t remember the latest treatment for it, you just have to enter the disease name in the indication field or group field and all the drugs used for that indication would be filtered & after going through their full prescribing information you can write the prescription.

  • Complete vaccination schedule for children with automatic reminder letter generation facility.

  • For paediatricians all kinds of growth charts & developmental mile stones tables are available.

  • Features to calculate cardiac risk factor , obesity & body mass index & ideal weight & height for any patient whether child or an adult in a minute.

  • For gynecologists, facility to keep complete obstetric record of a female patient along with automatic calculation of expected date of delivery on entering the last date of menstruation. Automatic treatment alerts are given by the software if pregnancy is associated with any interfering disease like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hypothyroidism.

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