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  • Self Management of Personal Health (SMPH) is a new concept & has become very necessary now, as thousands of cases are reported all over the world on professional negligence and deficiency in service by the healthcare providers.
  • Generally a life time health record of a person can be very bulky consisting of hundreds of prescriptions by various consultants and hoards of investigations, thick X-ray films, CT scans or MRIs which may be very cumbersome carrying it during journey. By converting it into electronic format it can become so light that it can be easily carried in pocket.
  • This is a very novel way to keep your health record during travel anywhere in the world. The health record is kept in a pen drive which contains all your X-rays, MRIs, CT scans & other laboratory investigations along with your all consultations with doctors.
  • In case of need you have to just plug in this pen drive in a computer and it can open on its own revealing all your records to the consulting doctor.
  • Usually during consultation with a doctor past history of any disease or any operations or past investigations are important to make a diagnosis, but patients usually don't carry all their documents with them during traveling.
  • Most of the time it is not practical also. Many times patient due to apprehension or nervousness or due to his general physical state can’t tell important facts about his past diseases or medication. In such circumstances this EIHR can come handy saving much of doctor’s time & helps in making early diagnosis.


  • On opening the software there would be photograph of the head of the family in case of PHR-Family & of the user himself if it is PHR-Lite along with his address, phone nos. and blood group.
  • There is now utility to change the password if user wishes to change it later on.
  • There would be four buttons below the photograph to show information about user’s health insurance policy & his individual life insurance policy if he has these insurances. By clicking on these buttons any one can quickly know details of his personal insurance company & third party health insurance company policy details. The third button show his latest ongoing combined treatment from various doctors.
  • Menu in the pen drive would be like Microsoft window menu ie. Branching tree menu through which navigation would be very quick & easy.
  • Consultations with every consultants would be numbered i.e. 1- 10-11 or so on which are stored date wise and any one can quickly select the required consultation for viewing.
  • Every consultation can store four scanned reports or photographs which can be viewed along with the related consultation in full screen mode.
  • Software is both web based & fully portable. If anyone has forgot to bring his pen drive to the clinic then his all record can be seen on the website with his personal password.
  • In case pen drive is lost all his life time health record can be copied from the website and a new pen drive can be generated in a minute.
  • A world class prescription writing software is embedded in the pen drive through which 100% safe, fool proof, error free prescription can be written.

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Khanpur, New-Delhi-110062



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